Port of Hope Ministries
"...building strong Christian seafarers."
Guyana, South America
Guyana is a maritime country. Its economy depends on a steady flow of imports and exports through the seaports. Though the country enjoys the benefits of international trade, its people easily forget that each of these ships has a crew of men.
The world may forget them, but God has not. He loves them and has written their names on the palm of His hand. He has watched over them as they've sailed toward Georgetown.
Rev. Darrio Henriquo is the chaplain at the Port of Georgetown, the nation's capital. God brings men from around the world to him. He has the privilege of meeting them and serving their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
Through acts of kindness and words of counsel, they hear of God's love, forgiveness, peace and hope. He also serves the port's truckers, security guards and longshoremen.
Chaplain Darrio is a big bear of a guy with a Teddy bear heart. He knows working men, their struggles and temptations.
Darrio worked hard. He was rough scrapper and a gold miner in Guyana's jungles. He smuggled household goods at night by boat down Venezuela's Orinoco River and along Guyana's coastline and tried to start a ranch in Venezuela.
But a little boy who would walk by Darrio's home on his way to church. He started praying for Darrio, and God totally changed his life. He became a pastor and now he is the only evangelical chaplain to merchant vessels in the Caribbean.